Archive for the ‘Blackberry News’ Category

BlackBerry Weekly Updates for 2010-02-10

Sunday, February 7th, 2010

BlackBerry Weekly Updates for 2010-01-17

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

Presentations with BlackBerry Presenter

Sunday, January 10th, 2010

Blackberry Presenter Accessory

Sekarang anda tidak perlu lagi bawa laptop anda untuk keperluan presentasi.

RIM benar benar membuat Blackberry sebagai mobile device untuk keperluan bisnis dan sekarang dapat digunakan untuk presentasi lewat bluetooth dan projector yang dinamakan Blackberry Presenter.

More about Blackberry Presenter:

BlackBerry Presenter is here to relieve you from the burden of your laptop and walk around freely for presentations.

Research In Motion has yet again come out with an accessory for the BlackBerry, the BlackBerry Presenter.

A small lightweight device, the BlackBerry Presenter will allow you the freedom of making presentations without carrying around your laptop. All you need to do is connect the BlackBerry Presenter to a projector or a monitor using the S-Video or VGA ports, and there you go, smoothly make Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.

The BlackBerry Presenter measures 3.4 inches x 2.4 inches x .9 inches. It also comes with a leather carrying case to protect it from damage while you carry it around with you.

The Presenter incorporates some really exciting features that will make giving presentations a cakewalk. It supports not only the static PowerPoint presentations, it also supports 24 animation and 55 transition styles of Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 and 2007.

The two modes namely the loop mode and the freeze mode allow for versatile use. With the loop mode, you can set time intervals between the slides and just go on with your presentation with the BlackBerry Presenter running. In the freeze mode, you can freeze a slide on-screen, while you browse through the rest of the presentation on your BlackBerry smartphone.

Thanks to Bluetooth, you can deliver your presentation while moving around but staying within 10m from the BlackBerry Presenter with the BlackBerry smartphone with you.

The Presenter also extends support for the NTSC and PAL video formats. Currently it also supports languages like English, French, Italian, Spanish and German. So make the BlackBerry Presenter sleep, wake up or show a new presentation, all with the click of a single button.

The BlackBerry Presenter currently supports only the BlackBerry models running on OS 4.6 and higher versions. However, the BlackBerry Curve 8300 and the BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8200 series are not compatible with the accessory.

The BlackBerry Presenter is going to be available at the BlackBerry Shop during the latter part of this month, for a price of $199. In February, the accessory will be made available at other retail stores and authorized dealers.

Source: CNET Online
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OS 5 Leak for Gemini 8520

Sunday, January 10th, 2010

Download OS Leak for Blackberry Curve Gemini 8520

Di nanti natikan oleh user Blackberry Gemini dan sudah sering diminta oleh user Gemini…

Finally, sekarang tersedia OS5 leak / beta. Download lewat desktop untuk install ke blackberry gemini.

Download Link:


NOTE: OS 5 ini adalah LEAK, versi BETA dan masih belum resmi, Install at your own risk. Link download diatas aktif pada saat kami posting, kami tidak bisa jamin akan selalu aktif, mohon cek bagian komentar untuk link terbaru.

Baca Cara Upgrade O5 Leak V5

Cara Upgrade OS 5 Leak Blackberry

Tentunya dengan adanya leak version, berarti, yang resmi official akan segera di release

Indahnya Berbagi…

Hacker: Do Not Accept This Contact

Saturday, January 9th, 2010

Do NOT Accept this contact….

Anda pasti sudah menerima banyak bbm broadcast seperti yang tersebut dibawah yang semalam beredar di dunia BBM. Jangan panik…

Do not accept this contact : (nomor BB fictive) (nama fictive) dia adalah hacker!!!!

Dia akan memformat bb mu dan sleruh kontak yg ada dlm bb mu juga.

Att: jika salah satu org dlm daftar kontakmu menerima dia (accept) maka kamu juga akan kena korban hacker

Kirimkan pesan ini kepada semua kontakmu!!!

HOAX: Tidak Benar

Ini adalah salah satu hoax (suatu yang tidak benar)  yang beredar lama di dunia BBM dan zaman email. Sebenarnya, konsep hoax ini sudah lama beredar, cuman nomor pin bb dan namanya yang diganti ganti dan di broadcast ulang.

Sering juga kami menerima pertanyaan apakah ini benar bisa terjadi, sampai sekarang hal seperti ini belum bisa terjadi karena BBM cukup secure.

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat dan anda dapat menggunakan blackberry anda dengan tenang dan nyaman 😉

Indahnya Berbagi… Di

NB: jika anda menerima hoax ini dari rekan bbm anda, silakan arahkan ke halaman ini biar mereka juga dapat di beritahukan kebenaran bbm message hoax yang mereka terima dan teruskan…


Hacker: Do Not Accept This Contact

Kenapa Themes Gemini Masih Limited?

Friday, January 8th, 2010

FAQ: Limited Themes for Blackberry Gemini

Belakang ini setelah kami share themes buat Blackberry termasuk untuk Gemini, kami menerima beberapa masukan dan pertanyaan dari pembaca kenapa banyak release themes baru yang disediakan di dunia Blackberry tidak support / tersedia untuk model Gemini?

Ini dia penjelasannya:

Untuk themes buat gemini, bukan dianaktirikan tapi memang limited jumlahnya.

Kenapa seperti itu ? Karena dimensi yang dimiliki oleh gemini yang kecil agak menyulitkan kreator untuk berimaginasi dalam membuat themes. Walaupun tudak tertutup kemungkinan masih bisa dibuat.

Contoh untuk release windows 7 Blackberry Themes, mungkin kreatornya agak kesulitan dalam pembuatannya. Karena harus dipikirkan size, layer dan hidden docking dari themes tesebut.

Jadi buat pembaca, bukan tidak dishare cuma memang untuk tipe Blackberry Gemini 85xx dan Storm 95xx, agak terbatas koleksinya di dunia Blackberry.

Semoga dapat menjawab pertanyaan kepada pemilik Gemini.

Shared by DM® to
Indahnya Berbagi…

Tentunya kalau ada themes baru direlease, kami akan share di sini 😉

Untuk sementara,
Browse themes Gemini yang telah di shared di search Gemini Themes di search box (atas kanan)

OS Official for Onyx 9700

Friday, January 8th, 2010

Official Release OS for Blackberry Bold – Onyx 9700

Bagi user Blackberry Onyx 9700, anda sekarang dapat pilihan upgrade OS 5. Kemarin di release OS Official oleh Bell Mobility for Blackberry Onyx 9700, kini ada versi lainnya yaitu, versi yang resmi di release oleh Research in Motion untuk 2 operator.

Silakan download dari situs resmi Blackberry:

OS tersedia untuk 2 piliha operator berikut, tapi saran kami adalah untuk install yang DTAC Thailang karena itu dari Asia dan seharusnya ada support Asia fonts.

Anda bisa gunakan OS operator lainnya  dengan catatan anda harus menghapus file vendor.xml yang ada pada folder C:\Progrma Files\ Common Files \ Research In Motion \ AppLoader

Baca cara upgrade OS 5 untuk cara delete vnedor.xml, cara backup dan restore dll.

Indahya Berbagi…

Blackberry Users Indonesia

Thursday, January 7th, 2010

The total Number of Blackberry Users in Indonesia

Blackberry has become increasingly popular especially in Indonesia

The number of blackberry users has more than doubled within the past year of 2009

Unlike other parts of the world where Blackberries are used in corporations / corporate use and mainly as BES – Blackberry Enterprise Solution for work,
Blackberries are commonly used by the young as well in Indonesia for play, for social groups especially with Facebook and Blackberry Messenger service. Most users in Indonesia are subscribed to BIS – Blackberry Internet Service.

The reason for the popularity of Blackberry can also be due to the fact that Indonesia operators are one of the first in the world to introduce prepaid services including daily and weekly rates as cheap as Rp5000 (by XL) per day which is around USD 0.55 per day

This made it easily affordable for the younger generation. Blackberry handhelds costs about Rp2.4juta / USD 250 for Blackberry Gemini which compared to the iPhone price tag of Rp8jt / USD850 made blackberry the smartphone choice for many youths.

Over 1 million Blackberry Users in Indonesia

The current numbers of Blackberry Internet Service BIS Subscribers in Indonesia are:

  • XL BIS subscribers of about 400.000
  • Telkomsel BIS subscribers of about 400.000
  • Indosat BIS subscribers of about 300.000
  • Axis BIS subscribers of about 20.000

And 3 Indonesia another operator in Indonesia will now join the 4 main operators to offer Blackberry Internet Services very soon as we have seen the official page in

With a total of more than 1.1 million users subscribers in Indonesia, it is a huge potential market for growth!

Official OS 5 Curve Javelin 8900

Thursday, January 7th, 2010

Official Release OS 5 v5.0.0.411 for Blackberry Curve Javelin 8900

Ini dia yang dinanti nantikan oleh user Blackberry Javelin 8900, release secara resmi oleh RIM, OS 5. (Tidak berlaku untuk Curve lainnya hanya 8900)

Setelah release OS 5 untuk Bold beberapa hari yang lalu, ini dia untuk Javelin 8900 and

Software / OS Information:

Software For BlackBerry® Curve (TM) 8900 Javelin smartphone
BlackBerry Handheld Software v5.0.0.661 (Multilanguage)

Package Version: Consisting of:

  • Applications:
  • Software Platform:
  • Vodafone Spain
    • File name: 8900M_PBr5.0.0_rel661_PL5.2.0.31_A5.0.0.411_Vodafone_Spain.exe
    • File size: 129.99MB
  • Vodafone DE
    • File name: 8900M_PBr5.0.0_rel661_PL5.2.0.31_A5.0.0.411_Vodafone_DE.exe
    • File size: 129.99MB
  • Optus Mobile Pty Limited
    • File name: 8900jEastAsia_PBr5.0.0_rel661_PL5.2.0.31_A5.0.0.411_Optus_Mobile_Pty_Limited.exe
    • File size: 130.57MB

Note: The Software Platform and Applications version numbers can be found under Options-About screen on the handheld.

Baca cara Upgrade OS 5, walaupun di guide terlampir adalah untuk Upgrade OS Leak, tapi caranya sama, untuk upgrade OS yang di release yang bukan dan diluar operator resmi anda. Jangan lupa backup sebelum upgrade!

REMEMBER: It is recommended that you make a backup before attempting to upgrade
your BlackBerry just in case something goes wrong during the upgrade process.

Indahnya Berbagi…

Mohon berbagi pengalaman anda dan temuan anda dengan upgrade OS5 terbaru ini.

Blackberry Boom in Indonesia

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

Video about Blackberry Boom in Indonesia by CNN

Blackberry di Indonesia sudah di perhatikan di mata dunia, sampai CNN datang ke Indonesia untuk melaporkan market Blackberry cukup menjanjikan di Indonesia…

It’s hard to go anywhere in Jakarta, Indonesia, without seeing someone using a BlackBerry smart phone.


  • Blackberry only about USD500 compared to iPhone price of USD900
  • Blackberry sells 5 time better than the iPhones

Do you Blackberry? Do you BerryIndo? 🙂

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