Posts Tagged ‘NEWS’

Role Call Reminders Lite

Monday, December 28th, 2009

Summary: Create a tasks with reminder from an email.

Found in: task, reminder, appointment, mail

Download Role Call Reminders Lite

Mobile Friendly Download


Monday, December 28th, 2009

Summary: Yet another twitter client, but with alot more system integration options.

Found in: twitter, client, messages

Download Yatca

Mobile Friendly Download

BlackBerry Weekly Updates for 2009-12-27

Sunday, December 27th, 2009

Official OS 5 Coming Soon

Saturday, December 26th, 2009

Blackberry News: OS 5 official akan segera di release mudah mudahan minggu depan.

There is only 1 week left until RIM promised us that OS 5.0 would be available. It would be great if its still coming but with only a week left you have to wonder if they can do it. Also, given this is the holidays, they are surely short staffed.

According to the official word that Kevin got from RIM:

The roll out process has begun for BlackBerry Device Software 5.0 with the recent beta release of BlackBerry JDE 5.0 (BlackBerry Java Development Environment 5.0) to BlackBerry Developer Zone at to prepare the BlackBerry developer community for pending device software releases. As can be expected, BlackBerry Device Software 5.0 will follow before the end of the year, as referenced in the RIM Launches BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0? press release that was issued at WES 2009.

The official statement doesnt tell us what devices will receive OS 5, but rather vaguely states that it will be available. One would have to assume that this would include the 9000, and the 83xx series at the very least.

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Important: Update Your BBM NOW

Thursday, December 24th, 2009

Blackberry Outages Down Karena Blackberry Messenger

Segera Update BBM anda ke versi

Jika anda masih menggunakan BBM b dan, di sarankan untuk segera update BBM anda ke versi terbaru v 5.0.057 karena kedua versi terakhir yang membuat server RIM jadi Lemot dengan error yang telah dilaporkan di post kami sebelumnya BBM Lemot

Anda juga pasti telah menerima urgent messages dari RIM untuk minta upgrade termasuk notifications di BBM untuk minta segera upgrade.

Ini dia berita terbaru mengenai BBM lemot di ComputerWorld yang pastikan bawah masalah gangguan Blackberry ada di BBM versi 55-56.

CIO –  BlackBerry smartphone users in North America yesterday experienced one of the longest and most significant BlackBerry outages in recent years. BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion (RIM) appears to have resolved the problem, service is mostly restored and though the company was tight-lipped on potential causes yesterday, I just got the following statement from RIM:

“A service interruption occurred Tuesday that affected BlackBerry customers in the Americas. Message delivery was delayed or intermittent during the service interruption. Phone service and SMS services on BlackBerry smartphones were unaffected. Root cause is currently under review, but based on preliminary analysis, it currently appears that the issue stemmed from a flaw in two recently released versions of BlackBerry Messenger (versions and that caused an unanticipated database issue within the BlackBerry infrastructure. RIM has taken corrective action to restore service.

“RIM has also provided a new version of BlackBerry Messenger (version and is encouraging anyone who downloaded or upgraded BlackBerry Messenger since December 14th to upgrade to this latest version which resolves the issue. RIM continues to monitor its systems to maintain normal service levels and apologizes for any inconvenience to customers.”

So it looks like the two recent BlackBerry Messenger updates are the culprit behind yesterday’s BlackBerry service outage. If you’re running either of the problem-versions, you should update your software immediately via BlackBerry App World or at using your BlackBerry Browser.

The outage is the second major North American BlackBerry service disruption for RIM and its customers in a week’s time. The occurrence of two major BlackBerry outages so close together is uncommon, and RIM typically prides itself on near-perfect uptime statistics. I can’t help but wonder if the first outage earlier this week is somehow connected to yesterday’s fiasco, but RIM isn’t providing any additional information at this point.

Namanya masalahnya di BBM maka outage error ini tidak hanya pengaruh ke America tetapi ke seluruh dunia! Termasuk Asia yang mengalami Error di Blackberry Messenger

Jadi yang pastinya kalau anda masih mengalami gangguan layanan BBM, ini berarti RIM masih belum operational dengan lancar 100%, sabar dan ajak teman teman anda upgrade BBM mereka ke versi terbaru untuk memastikan server RIM dapat operational dengan lancar.

Indahnya Berbagi..

Berita Blackberry terkini, selalu browse ke Blackberry News

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Blackberry 8 Hours Outage Down

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

News: Blackberry Down for 8 hours

Selama seminggu ini, pengguna blackberry di Asia telah mengalami gangguan layanan blackberry messenger, bukan saja versi BBM nya yang punya bugs dengan error tetapi gangguan layanan lainnya juga terasa.

Seperti yang mengalami salah satu Blackberry punya, kami sama sekali tidak bisa browsing internet dan terima push email selama seminggu. Sampai hari ini baru agak lancar.

Hari ini CNN melaporkan bahwa Blackberry di North America Tidak Dapat digunakan, Down selama 8 jam Hari ini.

“BlackBerry customers throughout North America were without e-mail and Internet services for more than eight hours after a widespread outage that lasted until early Wednesday.

Customers began receiving e-mails again around 2:45 a.m. ET. Initial reports of outages came from BlackBerry around 6:30 p.m.

BlackBerry did not give a reason for the outage. It was the second such outage for users in less than a week.

At one point, BlackBerry estimated 100 percent of its customers in North America were affected by the outage, according to an e-mail sent to customers.

“BlackBerry subscribers may be unable to send or receive messages. Subscribers may also be unable to register their device, roam in another location, or use other services such as Internet browsing,” the e-mail said.

“BlackBerry Internet Service subscribers may be unable to use the BlackBerry Internet Service web site or perform activities such as creating new accounts, integrating third-party email accounts, or viewing email attachments.”

Research in Motion Ltd., maker of the devices, said it had about 32 million global BlackBerry subscribers as of the end of August.

BlackBerry phones run on multiple wireless carriers, including ATT, Sprint Nextel and Verizon”
Source: CNN

Yang masih merasa BBM lemot, silakan update BBM 5 terbaru versi v5.0.0.57 yang lebih cepat, irit batterai dan fixed bugs notifications error.

Download di

Indahnya Berbagi…
Berita Blackberry terkini, baca di portal Blackberry News

BBM New Update

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

New Update Official Blackberry Messenger Release v

RIM has updates its BBM 5 again after several release in the past month.

This is what RIM has announced of the new update:

Battery life has been improved with the latest BlackBerry® Messenger. This version also addresses some of the issues identified in BlackBerry Messenger – 5.0.056 , such as file transfer not working or working slowly, no file preview, and file transfer requests expiring after a short period of time.

This version does not include any new features. The Check Spelling As You Type feature has been restored for all devices.

Setelah beberapa kali update BBM 5 resmi, ini dia di update lagi hari ini oleh RIM setelah banyak keluhan BBM Lemot dan BBM Notifications Error. Semoga BBM update terbaru ini dapat fix bugs.

Menurut RIM, selain fix bugs transfer file, bbm lemot, pesan tak terkirim atau lambat, versi terbaru ini juga lebih irit batterai! Wow!

Contacts Hilang Gak?

Ini yang sering ditanya. contacts hilang gak? Pada saat kami upgrade, semua contacts tidak hilang, tetapi TETAP Jangan lupa back up contacts list anda sebelum upgrade untuk menghindari hal yang tidak diinginkan, kami punya lancar bukan berarti semua lancar. Yang belum tau caranya, baca Cara backup BBM contacts list  di BBM 5

BBM saya Versi APA yah?

Bingung BBM anda versi apa? Sewaktu anda klik link download dibawah akan diberitahu versi BBM yang terinstal di BB anda. Atau cara cek versi aplikasi anda: Ke Options – Advance Options – Applications, cari Blackberry Messenger

Apa Saya Harus Upgrade?

Di sarankan upgrade seperti di umumkan oleh RIM, kenapa tidak? Kadang kami juga bingung menerima pertanyaan kenapa saya harus upgrade? Kalau ada versi yang baru resmi release oleh RIM kenapa tidak?

Apakah Versi ini RESMI?

Iya. Bisa dilihat di link download itu resmi dari website Blackberry.

Error Bugs yang di Laporkan

Ternyata masih ada beberapa isu error yang dilaporkan (baca di bagian komentar dibawah) seperti:

  • status tidak terupdate,
  • foto profile tidak terupdate
  • atau pending invites

Itu hal yang normal, bukan karena anda upgrade ke BBM57 terjadi begini, ini dikarenakan anda melakukan upgrade dan ping/synchron ulang ke server RIM dan perlu waktu untuk synchron total. Coba saja downgrade kembali, dan hal yang sama tetap terjadi. Jadi sabarlah, anda bisa baca berita kenapa BBM lemot dan error kemarin

Error: Notifications BBM muncul, setelah baca tidak Hilang

Ada yang melaporkan masalah adanya notifications BBM muncul di home screen, setelah baca, notifications tetap ada dan tidak hilang.

Kalau anda mengalami masalah ini, pastikan apakah notifications itu dari BBM – Blackberry Groups dan apakah anda baca dari folder utama “MESSAGES”, sekarang ke BBM anda, buka blackberry groups chat yang punya notifications dan notifications akan hilang. Notifications dari chat BBM Blackberry Groups tetap tampil kalau baca dari folder messages. Dengan BBM , anda bisa matikan blackberry groups notifications di group profile options. Silakan coba.

Kalau masih tidak hilang ini dikarenakan , pada saat anda upgrade BBM terbaru, ada messages BBM yang masih unread (belum kebaca) maka notifications masih “hang” disitu.


Solusinya hanya bisa coba delete dan reinstall BBM. Delete dari options-advance options-applications, cari BBM dan klik delete, lalu restart /reboot, dan setelah reboot install ulang dengan download link tersebut dibawah dan reboot lagi:

Isu Versi Lainnya…

Kemarin kami menerima pertanyaan isunya ada versi BBM 6.0.66! Kalau menerima isu berita aneh aneh, check aja di 🙂 Kalau link nya resmi dari Blackberry, coba aja klik untuk mengecek apakah versi itu terbaru. Link tersebut dibawah akan instal versi terbaru walaupun sudah lebih baru daripada v

Download the latest version update from v 5.0.056 to v 5.0.057 at

Indahnya Berbagi…

NB Jangan lupa daftar email anda untuk updates dan news terbaru

Untuk berita Blackberry terkini browse ke

Update: barusan kami menerima message ke BBM dari RIM:

A new version of BlackBerry® Messenger software is now available. If you are currently running version or of BlackBerry Messenger, please upgrade to version as soon as possible. This version addresses issues with versions and

To download the most current version of BlackBerry Messenger software, please visit and follow the on-screen instructions. Please note that the software update is available free of charge, however downloading and using applications over the wireless network may incur data usage charges depending on your service plan. Please check with your airtime service provider for information about service costs.  If you have any questions about this update, please visit

Thank you,
Research In Motion Limited

Blocked Traffic

Monday, December 21st, 2009

Summary: Blocked Traffic application is an implementation of a famous puzzle game Rush Hour.

Found in: game, board, puzzle

Download Blocked Traffic

Mobile Friendly Download


Monday, December 21st, 2009

Summary: Dial phone numbers that contain letters.

Found in: phone, call, dial, letter

Download LetterDialer

Mobile Friendly Download

BlackBerry Weekly Updates for 2009-12-20

Sunday, December 20th, 2009